Обзор: The drug "Isotretinoin" is a powerful retinoid. The latter refers to the derivatives of vitamin A.
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Публикация: 06.12.2017, в категории "Будем здоровы и красивы"
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order accutane online no prescription  Treatment of various skin diseases is carried out thanks to drugs containing isotretinoin. The substance is classified as dermatoprotective due to its unique properties. A drug with a similar name is used to treat seborrhea, acne.

 "Isotretinoin" instructions for use recommend use only after consulting a doctor. According to reviews, the agent is effective in inflammatory processes on the skin.

Description of the drug

 The drug "Isotretinoin" is a powerful retinoid. The latter refers to the derivatives of vitamin A. The active substance - isotretinoin - is known as retinoic acid and has the appearance of a yellowish powder. The substance is capable of neutralizing rapidly dividing cancer cells. This property was originally used for the treatment of oncological pathologies. After a while, scientists discovered another healing property of the powdered substance - it can reduce sebum production by suppressing the excessive growth of the cellular epithelium of the excretory ducts.

 It is this property that currently allows the use of Isotretinoin to treat severe acne. Preparations based on this active ingredient can be applied either externally or orally. The optimal tool is selected by a dermatologist after the examination of the patient. How does the medicine work? The drug "Isotretinoin" instruction for use recommends the use for effective treatment of rashes of acne and other skin diseases.

 The therapeutic effect of the medication affects immediately all the factors that provoke these ailments. First of all, the production of sebum decreases, the pores are cleared. The systemic retinoid prevents the proliferation of pathological microorganisms Propionibacterium acnes, which cause acne, acne. Coping the inflammatory process, normalizing the pH level is also a merit of the drug.

 "Isoteretinoin" is actively used in dermatology and cosmetology. The active component allows to influence not only the symptoms of the disease, but also to eliminate the cause that caused the development of the inflammatory process. Indications for prescribing It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to use Isotretinoin without prior doctor prescription.

 You can order accutane online no prescription in the website "". Assign the drug in the form of tablets in the presence of certain pathologies. These are:

  • -seborrhea;
  • -rosacea (including severe forms);
  • -all forms of acne;
  • -nodular-cystic acne;
  • -various types of dermatitis;
  • -congenital ichthyosis.

 Most of the listed ailments combine the cause of origin - the excessive work of the sebaceous glands. This, in turn, leads to a serious disruption of the normal balance of the epidermis. What effect will the tool have? According to numerous studies, the effectiveness of the medication was confirmed for a variety of skin diseases. "Isotretinoin" significantly reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands (by 90%) and normalizes the processes occurring in the skin.

 Doctors recommend using even in the severe form of acne rash a preparation in the form of tablets "Roaccutane". Isotretinoin is used as the main active substance. Means for external application have proven themselves in the treatment of acne, rosacea and dermatitis. Such retinoids can be used for mild and moderate severity of skin diseases. Experts say that the drug in this form is much safer for the body than capsules.

 With oral intake of isotretinoin, its concentration in the blood increases to 2000 ng / ml. If you use an ointment, this figure will not exceed 60 ng / ml. Preparations based on isotretinoin The active ingredient isotretinoin instructions for use refers to natural retinoids. In small amounts, these compounds are well absorbed by the body, have a positive effect on the skin condition, reduce the production of sebum, and have an antimicrobial effect.

 Some preparations for external use contain isotretinoin: Retinoic ointment. Isotrexin (gel). "Retasol" (solution). For oral use in severe pathology of the skin, specialists prescribe medicines such as Acnekutan, Roakkutan, Sotret. The composition (isotretinoin is used as an active substance) and the dosage may differ. Side effects When dosage is exceeded, isotretinoin causes side effects.

 From the side of the immune system they are manifested most often. Patients complain of the appearance of rashes, redness, peeling of the skin on the palms and soles of the feet, itching, dystrophy of the nail plates. Also, the appearance of cheilitis - a disease that affects the skin on the lips. The nervous system in some patients also suffers from the treatment with the drug "Isotretinoin". The testimonies indicate that there may be a headache, excessive fatigue, impaired visual acuity, depression and psychosis develop.

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